Tomasz WęgorzewskiThe performance is based on descriptions of extreme states of mental disintegration – on authentic psychotics’ diaries.
The performance is based on descriptions of extreme states of mental disintegration – on authentic psychotics’ diaries.
The real insanity is lack of madness.
Emil Cioran The Fall into Time
In many mythologies we can find the statement that the birth of the world was preceded by the existence of primordial emptiness. The Greeks called it Chaos – and unstructured vacuum from which the first gods and origin emerged. Nowadays, we are inclined to consider mythologies as archaic ways of explaining psychic phenomena, and the message about Chaos – as a description of the universal, individual experience of every human being confronted with a sense of emptiness.
The performance is based on descriptions of extreme states of mental disintegration – on authentic psychotics’ diaries. It follows recurrent motives and specific forms. Transferring them to the stage in the form of a philosophical novel, he tries to tame the fear that appears in each of us when the world around him appears to be incomprehensible and threatening.
- Direction: Tomasz Węgorzewski
- Script, dramaturgy: Magda Kupryjanowicz
- Set design, costumes: Dorota Nawrot
- Music: Teoniki Rożynek
- Lighting design: Szymon Kluz
- Dagna Dywicka
- Joanna Kasperek
- Anna Kłos (gościnnie)
- Bartłomiej Cabaj
- Andrzej Plata
See also
Winter Light
28–30.12Winter Light
375 0908 2334 - The body you are calling is currently not available
Theater / Actions
16–17.01375 0908 2334 - The body you are calling is currently not available
Ich heiße Frau Troffea
18–23.01Ich heiße Frau Troffea