Piotr Gruszczyński
dramatistDramaturgist and theater critic. Deputy Director co-responsible for artistic programming.
Born on December 12, 1965 in Rawicz, Poland. In 1989 he graduated from Theater Studies at the Polish Studies Department of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow. He has written theater reviews for the magazines: Tygodnik Powszechny, Res Publica Nowa, Dialog.
He has collaborated with the Polish Radio Program 2 and the Dialog Theater Festival in Wrocław. In 2003 he published a series of essays and interviews titled Ojcobójcy. Młodsi zdolniejsi w teatrze polskim (Patricide. The Younger and More Talented in Polish Theater). He received a nomination to the prestigious Nike Literary Award. He was the dramaturgy director of TR Warszawa in the years 2005-2008. In 2007 he published Szekspir i uzurpator (Shakespeare and the Usurper) a series of interviews with Krzysztof Warlikowski. He worked with Mariusz Treliński on the dramaturgy of his operas.
Piotr Gruszczyński has been the dramaturg in Nowy Teatr since 2008. He has worked with Krzysztof Warlikowski on the adaptation for the stage of (A)pollonia, The End, The African Tales by Shakespeare among others. He is an academic at the State Drama School in Warsaw.
Selected plays
Odyssey. A Story for Hollywood
Odyssey. A Story for Hollywood
See also
Karolina Ochab
Karolina Ochab
Małgorzata Szczęśniak
Małgorzata Szczęśniak
Krzysztof Warlikowski
Krzysztof Warlikowski
Paweł Mykietyn
Paweł Mykietyn