A love story, half sung half recited, of two men, who do not have much in common.

A love story, half sung half recited, of two men, who do not have much in common.
The play tells the story of a one-year relationship between the 17-year old Marcin and a grown man of 35. It is also the story of parents, friends from school, of the first serious relationship. It is about the effort to reconcile two worlds, which are impossible to renoncile.
The play asks for a definition of such a relation. Is it the first true love? Or rather, is it an eccentric adventure? To what extent are we immune to the opinions issued by the society, the people who surround us?
In what do the characters of the play differ from an „avarage” citizen, who has no problem in finding his or her identity within the boundaries set by social and religious norms?
What made these two people, divided by a universe, start an untypical, at times, embarassing relation?
The screenplay has been inspired by a blog, which was jointly written by two men. The blog became the basis for the creation of the screenplay, which takes shape during rehersals, founded on improvisation of the actors themselves. The actors speak in their own voices, telling the story with the help of their own imagination and sensitivity. The Sen Zu band plays live during the play, and just like in a musical it allows the song to speak for the people.
The first phase of the endeavour was a casting open for everyone, during which 12 workshop participants were selected. In the course of a month, actors who vary widely in professional and personal experience, got to know each other and cooperate. The workshop allowed for a vivid exchange, for the sharing of points of view and sensitivities, for getting to know what was strange or other.
After a month of the workshop, half of the participants were invited to join the play, which will premiere in June 2010.
Jacek Poniedziałek
Jacek Poniedziałek
June 22 – Premiere. A theatrical project within the Work in Progress cycle.
- Screenplay: the actors, Mikołaj Makowski, Jacek Poniedziałek, Anna Smolar.
- Directors: Anna Smolar, Jacek Poniedziałek
- Cast: Adrianna Gruszka-Jaroszewicz, Grzegorz Kałuża, Krzysztof Kwiatkowski, Hanna Maciąg, Piotr Ziarkowski, Marcin Żak
- Scenography: Anna Met
- Costumes: Paulina Szenderowska, Anna Met
- Music: Sen Zu
- Choreography: Adam Fidusiewicz
- Light director: Rafał Paradowski
See also
Theater / Dance
The Polaks Explain the Future
21–23.02The Polaks Explain the Future
Winter Light
16–18.04Winter Light
Angels in America
24–27.04Angels in America