9 Lives of the “Eastern” Artist - An Open Call for Young Polish Delegates: Performance Makers, Cultural Workers, and Writers
9 Lives of the “Eastern” Artist - An Open Call for Young Polish Delegates: Performance Makers, Cultural Workers, and Writers
Travel Free to a Historical Meeting Led by Matadors of Central European Theatre and Dance!
An Open Call for Young Polish Delegates:
Performance Makers, Cultural Workers, and Writers
February 19-21, 2020, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Travel Free to a Historical Meeting Led by Matadors of Central European Theatre and Dance!
An Open Call for Young Polish Delegates:
Performance Makers, Cultural Workers, and Writers
February 19-21, 2020, Olomouc, Czech Republic
9 Lives of the “Eastern” Artist:
Surviving the Changes
An International Symposium with Accompanying Cultural Program and Blog
Thirty years after the fall of communism in Central Europe, an inter-generational non-academic gathering to reflect together on how to be true to ourselves and our audiences as we move AHEAD.
Five provocative lecture performances by devised performance makers and dance movers and shakers from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, and Slovakia. Three engaging symposium panels focused on Love, War and Nature, from the perspective of Central and East European matadors of the independent arts. Discussions, debates, and new provocative writings in a beautiful university town. The symposium will be conducted in English.
Organized by producers of Prague’s Bazaar Festival, partners from all four countries and hosted by Palackého University and the Na Cucky Theatre this two and a half day symposium in Olomouc challenges all participants to think and work together outside of the box: instead of focusing non-stop on collaborations with Western European aesthetics, artists, organizations and funding systems, let’s take the time to remind ourselves who we are, what our recent past is, what we want, what our audiences need and what we have in common with other artists and artistic communities in Central and Eastern Europe. Artists in our countries have experienced so many changes in society in such a short time, invested so much faith, so much energy… They have had three or seven or nine different lives already. How does one find energy to believe in a new better system again and again? How do we orient ourselves in the world?
Special Lecture Performances: ESSENCE OF POLAND by acclaimed experimental theatre specialist Wojtek Ziemilski (PL), STRIP! by body art performance artist Pina Brutal (HU), plus LECTURE PERFORMANCES by Oskár Čepan Award winner Džumelec AKA Erik Sikora (SK), and devised theatre wizard Jan Mocek (CZ)
With Panel discussion leaders: LOVE: Sodja Lotker (CZ, DAMU academy, ex-Prague Quadrennial, freelance dramaturg), WAR: Piotr Gruszczyński (PL, Nowy Teatr dramaturg), NATURE: Mája Hriešik, (SK, theatre and dance dramaturg, director and writer)
Guest speakers: dance maker Andrius Katinas (LT), theatre curator and dramaturg Martin Krištof (SK, Stanica Žilina-Záriečie), Joanna Leśnierowska (PL, Old Brewery New Dance curator), choreographer, dancer and L1danceFest curator Márta Ladjánszki (L1 Association, HU), Jan Mocek (CZ), Wojtek Ziemilski (PL), Pina Brutal (HU), Džumelec AKA Erik Sikora (SK).
Ideal for students or recent art school graduates, this open call is for emerging performance makers, cultural workers and writers up to 35 years in age. If chosen you will receive>
-free rail transportation to and from Olomouc (ARR February 19th, afternoon, DEP February 21st, afternoon, 2020)
-free shared accommodations in Olomouc
-free meals
-free accreditation and attendance to all symposium events and performances
Chosen young delegates will participate actively in panel discussions, visit all performances at the symposium, write some thoughts about the event for the symposium blog, and complete a simple final questionnaire by March 5, 2020 deadline.
To apply, please send one motivational paragraph plus telephone and email contact information, a short CV OR portfolio by email to: anna.lewandowska@nowyteatr.org
Deadline: January 6th 2020, Delegates will be selected by: January 13th, 2020.
Selection of delegates for your country by: Márta Ladjánszki and Zsolt Varga (L1 Association, HU), Piotr Gruszczyński (Nowy Teatr, PL), Martin Krištof (Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, SK), Ewan McLaren and Sodja Lotker (Bazaar Festival, CZ)
This symposium is funded by: International Visegrad Fund
Main organizer: Live Performance Bazaar, producers of the Bazaar Festival, Prague, Czech Republic
Hosted by: Department of Theatre and Film Studies, Palackého University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
Main partners:
L1 Independent Artists Association of Public Utility, Budapest, Hungary
Nowy Teatr Warsaw, Poland
Truc Sphérique - Stanica Žilina Záriečie Slovakia
Department of Theatre and Film Studies, Palackého University, Olomouc, Czech Republic
And the Na Cucky Theatre, Olomouc, Czech Republic

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