Green team
Green team
Nowy Teatr has been a part of the Culture For Climate / Kultura dla klimatu initiative since its inception in 2021. We strive to ensure our activities are as sustainable and ecologically sound as possible.

Nowy Teatr is based at 10/16 Madalińskiego Street in Warsaw, a building originally constructed to minimize negative impacts on our environment and reverse the effects of the global climate crisis.

We talk about this through the art we produce, the projects we tackle, and the holiday season workshops we run.
- We delivered the Grupa Warszawska show directed by Eglė Švedkauskaitė, which deals with the themes of growing up in times of pandemic and climate disasters.
- We prepared a premiere of a multimedia concert for children titled Morze / Sea directed by Pia Partum, which deals with the theme of how humans are polluting our natural environment.
- Nowy Teatr shows include Ostatni / The Last directed by Romuald Krężel and You Are Safe by Agata Siniarska, dealing mainly with global warming and climate catastrophe problems we will be facing in the future.
- For three years we have been hosting regular workshops for schools and individuals themed around ecological concerns.

We also intend to take responsibility for the space we are using, as neighbors of the residents of the district of Mokotow, which is why we are implementing solutions to serve a range of needs. We have set up a Green Team among our employees in order to initiate and implement such solutions.
We have already implemented the following initiatives in order to minimize our contribution to the climate crisis:
- we initiated training sessions covering recycling and zero waste for our employees
- we replaced drinking water coolers with filters for tap water
- we installed rainwater collection containers -we eliminated all plastic food containers
- all our employees have been equipped with reusable water bottles and drinks containers
- whenever we print programs or other promotional materials, we keep the print runs to a minimum, using recycled papers and certified technologies
- we try to substitute printed programs with PDF format materials which can be downloaded online
- we turn down the heating in our theatre and office spaces, to limit the amount of heat produced and reduce energy consumption
- our theatre bar only serves vegan and vegetarian dishes
- we are introducing changes to our dressing rooms: we have purchased reusable make-up remover pads, while discussing new “less waste” solutions with our make-up artists, such as soaps and shampoos in cubes, creams in glass containers, etc.
- all materials and stage sets no longer used by our Teatr are carefully dismantled and subjected to recycling
- we encourage our audiences to use public transport and bicycles to attend our events
- in 2021, instead of grass we are planting flowering meadows for pollinating insects; such meadows needs much less watering, which in current times of drought is not without importance
- our building (an old workshop warehouse) is a good example of architecture recycling – both the performance space and our offices were not newly erected, but converted, adapted and modernized.

Many challenges await – we are currently working on:
- increasing awareness of energy usage and CO2 production during new technology implementation; in practice, this will mean introducing good practices when sending emails (in accordance with to the Email Charter)
- changes to the theatre printer networks (smaller margins, smaller fonts), double-sided printing
- adapting our disposal containers for waste segregation and continuing education programs covering waste selection and disposal
- changing plastic warning tapes for those made of fabric.

More information about the need for balanced activities in the cultural sector can be found /