Make your self
Marta ZiółekMAKE YOURSELF starts with a training, an order and a body sculpture. The subject of this experiment is a group of 5 performers.
MAKE YOURSELF starts with a training, an order and a body sculpture. The subject of this experiment is a group of 5 performers.
For the performance time they put on following names: High Speed, Coco, Lordi, Glow and Beauty. Marta Ziółek as Angel Dust is a moderator and a guide through this experience. We are somewhere between gym, techno party and corporate mindfulness church.
MAKE YOURSELF is a utopian structure, which creates its own style, language and sexuality. It is a kind of trip, which transmutes body into a machine. Here the very individual monologues blend with hybrid group workout and trance practice consisting of rave, kundalini yoga, latino flow & dancehall.
MAKE YOURSELF is a gang, which creates and transforms itself to the Lutto Lento music.
MAKE YOURSELF was created as a part of a series of The Real Utopias - the final part of the project The Future by Komuna//Warszawa
Premiere: 20 May 2016 in Komuna// Warszawa
Concept & choreography: Marta Ziółek:
Creation & performance:
Agnieszka Kryst// Beauty
Ramona Nagabczyńska// Coco
Robert Wasiewicz// Glow
Paweł Sakowicz// High Speed
Katarzyna Sikora// Lordi
Marta Ziółek// Angel Dust
Singer: Maria Magdalena Kozłowska
Dramaturgy: Anka Herbut [IP]
Music: Lubomir Grzelak [Lutto Lento]
Set desing & Visualisation: Dominika Olszowy
Photos: Witek Orski, Dawid Grzelak
Video and graphic design: Krzysztof Bagiński
Costumes: Marta Ziółek
Project menager: Ewa Paradowska
Production: Komuna// Warszawa
See also
Ich heiße Frau Troffea
23.01Ich heiße Frau Troffea
The Polaks Explain the Future
21–23.02The Polaks Explain the Future
Elizabeth Costello | J.M. Coetzee
06–21.03Elizabeth Costello | J.M. Coetzee
The Apocalypse
14–16.03The Apocalypse