Summer Camp
The leitmotiv of the summer camp will be the concept of identification (Latin idem - same).

The leitmotiv of the summer camp will be the concept of identification (Latin idem - same).
Identification is one of the mechanisms of socialization, based on the acceptance or permanent internalization of the values, norms, and behaviour patterns of other individuals or social groups. It plays a fundamental role in the development of personality, morality, and individual identity .
Participants of the Academy will practice, explore the city, discuss, conduct research, and learn from one another. We will start with the concept of identification and the need for a sense of identity. Do we have such a need in today's cosmopolitan times? And if so, what for? Does identification broaden or narrow our horizons? Does it help us grow or does it limit us and smother our selfhood? How does individual identification as the creation of oneself shape our future? Can we simultaneously be ourselves while identifying with someone/a group or a phenomenon? Identification with the place/city we live in and function is a defence against exclusion, an attempt to assimilate and to develop social skills. It fulfills the need to belong to a group, a collective. At the same time, it can be oppressive, excluding, and enforce adaptation to new conditions. It can be used to establish someone's identity, to recognize someone or something on the basis of some features. The combination of two words: Identity vs Identification, makes the issue even more intense. While identity is who you are, differentiating an individual from others of the same kind, selfhood or identification is the act of identifying with something, opting to be the same.
Curators: Maria Wilska & Joanna Nuckowska
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
Workshop with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshop with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshops with Noviki
Workshops with Noviki
Workshops with Noviki
Workshops with Noviki
Workshops with Noviki
Workshops with Noviki
Workshops with Noviki
Workshops with Noviki
#PUNK by nora chipaumire
#PUNK by nora chipaumire
#PUNK by nora chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Photo analog by Hanna Maciąg
Worshops with Noviki
Worshops with Noviki
Worshops with Noviki
Worshops with Noviki
Worshops with Noviki
Workshops with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshops with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshops with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshops with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshops with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshops with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshops with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshops with Wojtek Ziemilski
Workshops with Wojtek Ziemilski
VISUAL ARTS & SOCIAL JUSTICE by Joanna Rajkowska & Jean Michel Bruyere
15 – 16.07 Warsaw Sensory/Memory Walk by Joanna Rajkowska
17- 26.07 workshops with Jean Michel Bruyere
DEVISING THEATRE & COLLECTIVE CREATION by Sodja Zupanc Lotker & Wojtek Ziemilski
15-26.07 workshops with Sodja Zupanc Lotker and Wojtek Ziemilski
MOVEMENT by Marta Ziółek & Nora Chipaumire
15-17.07 workshops with Marta Ziółek
18-26.07 workshops with Nora Chipaumire
14.07 ERASMUS 20.00h
theatre performance by Anna Smolar
15.07 SRBENKA 20.00h
dir. Nebojša Slijepčević/ movie
16.07 #PUNK 21.00h
performance by nora chipaumire
17.07 20.00h
Film. After the film talk with nora chipaumire
18.07 Roofology 19.00h
Walk with Centrala
More information
20.07 workshops with NOVIKI
More information
21.07 free Sunday!!!:)
22.07 Memoryscape in Wola 19.00
Walk with Centrala
23.07 20.00
Film. After the film talk with Jean Michel Bruyere
24.07 Makeyourself 20.00h
Performance by Marta Ziółek
25.05 Warszawianka 19.00h
Walk with Centrala
Zobacz także
Nowa książka: Rondo Wiatraczna Marek Bieńczyk
Literatura / Spotkania
17.02 PN 19.00Nowa książka: Rondo Wiatraczna Marek Bieńczyk
Polacy wyjaśniają przyszłość
21–23.02Polacy wyjaśniają przyszłość
Nowa książka dla dzieci: Lucek, Ludwika i sprawa Świętego Jogurta Mateusz Pakuła
Literatura / Spotkania
22.02 SOB 12.00Nowa książka dla dzieci: Lucek, Ludwika i sprawa Świętego Jogurta Mateusz Pakuła
Dyskusyjny Klub Teatralny: Apokalipsa
14.03 PT 21.15Dyskusyjny Klub Teatralny: Apokalipsa