Zygmunt Malanowicz was born in Korkożyszki near Vilnius on 4 February, 1938. Died on 4th April 2021. He was an actor, director and screenwriter, a graduate of The Leon Schiller National Higher School of Film, Television and Theatre in Łódź.

A year before his graduation, he appeared in Knife in the Water, Roman Polański's famous feature film debut. The role brought him instant popularity, but due to the negative response from the Polish communist regime, he did not receive any other major roles in cinema for the next seven years. Instead, Malanowicz focused on his theatre career during this time.

He specialized in playing complex characters, facing complex moral and sexual dilemmas. Directors appreciate his high level of expression on stage, emotional involvement, and unorthodox approach to creating his characters.

In 2015, Zygmunt Malanowicz received the award for Best Actor in a Leading Male Role in Artur Urbański's film Ojciec (Father) at the Festival of Film Acting in Wrocław.

He has written and directed three films: Szlachetna krew, Pluton-239, and Bez dowodu.

Since the premiere of Shakespeare’s The Tempest in 2003, where he played the role of Alonso, he has been featured in most of Krzysztof Warlikowski's shows. He joined the Nowy Teatr ensemble in 2008.

Selected plays

See also

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