Solarium Nowego Teatru: Milan Y

Milan Y

The meeting with the artist Milan Y will take place on 29. 12 at 20:00.

Free entry

The meeting with the artist Milan Y will take place on 29. 12 at 20:00.

Free entry


A loop stretching around the Sun is made of quicksilver. This is what the light rummagers look for wandering through landscapes that come to life. No one knows what they need it for or what technology they use to find it. In his debut exhibition, Milan Y invites those tired of this year (and of life) to a new world he created along with Szymon Małecki.

In the artists fantasy Earth-like shapes come back scanned (like Icelandic rocks) and transformed into a digital code. The familiar narrative material gives a promise of plot development only to disintegrate after a short moment, then disappear and emerge again. Inhabitants of this universe are smuggled from clubs and dance floors - these are guest performances of friends from the real world: 3d sculptures by marcjanna marcjanna or music by Krenz and SCOLOPENDRA. Milan Ys work, although clearly inspired by sci-fi movies, is not a typical cosmic story. It is more of an anti-videodrome offering visual high.

Another theme present in Milan Ys piece is film and filmicity itself seen as space for unlimited freedom. It is a love affair between digital and analog technology. The artist expands the legendary format of Ultra Panavision creating simultaneity of the eventson screen. Density and exaggeration belong to the realm of dreams. The piece is an expression of a longing for a moment of delight over something that emerges from total darkness.

In the Nowy Teatr Solarium visual artists present works that are meant to warm us up. The program is a counterproposal to mental winter — the darkness of mind, frozen horizons and ice-cold feelings.


Milan Y (b. 1996) - video artist, author of graphic designs, covers and posters. Co-creator of FLAUTA and Syntetyk music collectives. In his practice, Milan uses elements of video-art, xerox art and graphic techniques. His works are based on coincidence, resultant of experiments and the aesthetic of error. Milan often creates his pieces using archaic TV devices in a way that is oppositeto how they were designed to be used by looking for errors and compiling them. 

He created projects for/collaborated with: Biuro Dźwięku Katowic (Sound Office Katowice), TR Warszawa; music labels: Pointless Geometry, Gooiland Elektro/Enfant Terrible, Syntetyk, Always Human Tapes, Electronic Leatherette; artists: Bartosz Zaskórski (Mchy i Porosty), Justyna Banaszczyk (FOQL) and TONFA. Hes currently based in Poznan.




Collaboration: Szymon Małecki

Guests: Marcjanna marcjanna, Krenz, SCOLOPENDRA

Curator: Michał Grzegorzek

Production: Joanna Manecka

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