So emotional
Przemek Kamiński / Mateusz Szymanówka / Marta ZiółekEmotionally overloaded forms circulate online and offline sculpting the surface of our bodies and identities.

Emotionally overloaded forms circulate online and offline sculpting the surface of our bodies and identities.
In So Emotional two performers hidden behind white theatrical masks inhabit images of ecstasy and despair, anger and fear to explore historical and contemporary forms of emotions and the emotionality of the forms itself. While shadowing each other, they browse through artworks, memes, gifs, scenes from the movies and music videos. They hack them, pile them up and set them in motion to consider body’s ability to act, resist and transform individually and collectively.
If body is a battleground and affect is a new frontier of political struggle, how can we prepare for it? And how can we cultivate microresistance when we are trapped in a never-ending chain of repetition and appropriation?
- Concept: Przemek Kamiński, Mateusz Szymanówka, Marta Ziółek
- Choreography, Performance: Przemek Kamiński, Marta Ziółek
- Dramaturgy: Mateusz Szymanówka
- Video: Katarzyna Borelowska
- Photo: Katarzyna Szugajew
- Music: Lubomir Grzelak
Partners: VARPA Wyszehradzki Program Rezydencyjny – Sztuki Performatywne, Art Quarter Budapest, Nowy Teatr, Instytut Adama Mickiewicza
- 4-5 January 2018 Tanztage Berlin 2018, Berlin
See also
Theater / Dance
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