Breakthrough. Pavel Szymanski’s Jubilee
The International Music Festival of Central and Eastern Europe EufonieOne of the most outstanding Polish contemporary composers, combining the legacy of the past with innovative ideas. The work of Pawel Szymanski – who is celebrating his 70th birthday this year. birthday – will be the theme of the final concert of the Festival. The program features a wide cross-section of the composer’s work: both works for a smaller cast, such as Vilanelle and Limericks, but also with an orchestra.
Pawel Szymanski
Vilanelle (1981)
Une suite de pieces de clavecin par Mr. Szymanski (2001) Limetyki na skrzypce I klawesyn (1975) *** it’s fine, isn’t it
Quasi una sinfonietta ___ Jan Jakub Monowid – kontratenor
Małgorzata Sarbak – klawesyn
Agnieszka Podłucka – altówka/skrzypce
Natalia Reichert – altówka
Łukasz Długosz – flet
Orkiestra Filharmonii Śląskiej
Yaroslav Shemet – Dyrygent
Partners: Warsaw Autumn – Polish Composers’ Union.
See also
Winter Light
28–30.12Winter Light
375 0908 2334 - The body you are calling is currently not available
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