Grupa warszawska

Eglė Švedkauskaitė

Premiere: 24.09.2020 Play duration: 1 hour

The team of Grupa Warszawska started their rehearsals by the end of February 2020. Within the frame of discussions about how climate change influences our daily life on a small scale and our views, values and self-identification on a bigger level, the team also speculated about the near future and dystopian scenarios for the Earth and its inhabitants if we won’t take the measures right now. Suddenly those dystopian projections became reality and interrupted our work, forcing us to take a pause and live through the unexpected scenario.

We are coming back after this break to remember and remind that the topic of climate catastrophe hasn’t vanished, it is even more actual than before, shouting loud that the threatening changes we were expecting in the future are happening now and we cannot remain indifferent to that. Then the phenomenon of youth activism comes into the horizon as a very important force dealing with climate change issues in societies around the world. Where lies the strength of such movements? How do young people describe activism themselves? How is climate activism connected with privilege and personal surroundings?

Led by five teenage actors Grupa Warszawska is inviting the audience to question the position of a young person in Poland, his/her right to know about global processes in the world and their country‘s involvement in them, to analyse the values of their education. Grupa Warszawska is setting a goal to create a space and time for encouraging each other in action against nihilism and institutional intertia.


  • Director: Eglė Švedkauskaitė
  • Dramaturgy: Michał Telega
  • Set design, costumes, video: Hanna Maciąg
  • Choreography: Agnieszka Kryst
  • Cast: Zuzanna Bojdecka, Stanisław Garapich, Karolina Laskowska, Marianna Wilska, Ignacy Zasadni



Music used in the performance:

Bartosz Dziadosz The Land Unknown

Natalia Zamilska The Message

Agnė Matulevičiūtė Bulyon              

Agnė Matulevičiūtė  Noch

Arnas Danusas Televisiophobia goes

Arnas Danusas Chibato

Othalie Husøy One of the Girls

See also

  • Threesome/Trzy

    Theater / Dance



    Wojciech Grudziński

  • Silenzio!

    Theater / Dance



    Ramona Nagabczyńska

  • Elizabeth Costello | J.M. Coetzee



    Elizabeth Costello | J.M. Coetzee

    Krzysztof Warlikowski

  • Expiria

    Theater / Dance



    Agnieszka Kryst

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