
Agnieszka Kryst

Premiere: 13.02.2021 Play duration: 45 minutes

1920’s expressionist dance was composed and performed predominantly by women. Stylistically free and spontaneous as it was, it opposed the patriarchal system of classical ballet. As such it came to represent a form of resistance against an increasingly mechanised and industrialised western capitalist society and the commodification of the human body as a machine. Our contemporary culture has refined this reductivism to the site of the female body, seeking to manipulate and control our perception of it throughout all spheres of social, cultural and financial activity. Agnieszka Kryst, a choreographer, examines the female body in the light of dance and visual arts movements of the first half of the 20th century. Freeing it from these forms she seeks to unlock its physical and emotional potential, thus returning the dancing body once again to a pure and subjective creative place.


  • Concept, choreography, performance: Agnieszka Kryst
  • Dramaturgy: Agata Siniarska
  • Composer: Justyna Stasiowska
  • Stage design: Agata Skwarczyńska
  • Consultation: Joanna Leśnierowska
  • Stage menager: Kamila Długosz

The work is co-produced by Stefan Żeromski Theatre in Kielce and is developed within the framework of ‘Poszerzanie Pola’ – a choreographical program of Nowy Teatr in Warsaw and Art Stations Foundation, whose curator is Joanna Leśnierowska.

Co-oproduction: Nowy Teatr, Art Stations Foundation

Premiere online: 13 lutego 2021


March 21


Agnieszka Kryst
Theater / Dance

March 22


Agnieszka Kryst
Theater / Dance

March 23


Agnieszka Kryst
Theater / Dance

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