Ciudades Paralelas in Warsaw
Hotel rooms, shopping centres, factories... Functional places are not considered places of interest.

Hotel rooms, shopping centres, factories... Functional places are not considered places of interest.
Hotel rooms, shopping centres, factories... Functional places are not considered places of interest. They are to be found in every city, and they are what make cities inhabitable as such. These instantly recognizable places live parallel existences around the world, each modelled on similar rules but displaying a local face.
For Ciudades Paralelas, Lola Arias and Stefan Kaegi invited artists to devise interventions in public spaces. As observation stations for situations, the projects make stages out of public spaces used every day, and seduce the viewers into staying inside that space long enough for their perception to change: Plays that make you subjectively experience places built for anonymous crowds.
The projects are staged in Berlin, Buenos Aires, Warsaw and Zurich, in each city with local performers.
Ciudades Paralelas offers eight perspectives on one city, three times over. A festival that doesn’t transport stage sets or companies of actors but ideas. In Berlin, Buenos Aires, Warsaw and Zurich, the projects are re-contextualized and staged over a three-week period with performers from each city. Via location scouting and casting sessions the eight artists are networked with each city. In this way, Ciudades Paralelas wanders from country to country as a mobile research laboratory, building up an archive of guerrilla tactics for appropriating cities.
Polish edition of Ciudades Paralelas is a coproduction between Nowy Teatr Fundation, Goethe Institute, HAU Berlin, Schauspielhaus Zürich and Nowy Teatr in the frame of the Festival Neighbours 2.0
See also
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