The Apocalypse

Michał Borczuch

The performance takes up the space between Fallaci, raging in pride, and Pasolini, a contestant seduced by the figure of Other

Premiere: 24.09.2014 Play duration: 2 hours

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The performance takes up the space between Fallaci, raging in pride, and Pasolini, a contestant seduced by the figure of Other

Premiere: 24.09.2014 Play duration: 2 hours

Upcoming dates

Good daughter and wicked son of the good old Europe. Inspirations for the show by Michał Borczuch reside in two discourses, radically distinct and contradictory to each other, treating of western civilization and its phantasmal Other – embodied in a figure of a follower of Islam, terrorist, illegal immigrant. A literary basis for the script are the one of the most recognized personalities of twentieth century political journalism, Oriana Fallaci, and a playwright and poet, Pier Paolo Pasolini, so called Trilogy of death.

The performance by Borczuch takes up the space between Fallaci, raging in pride, and Pasolini, a contestant seduced by the figure of Other.
Amidst the scenery of cultural apocalypse that emerges from Fallaci interviewing Fallaci, Borczuch sets up an encounter between the "last European", reporter dying at the beginning of 21st century and the "wicked son of Europe", director murdered in unexplained circumstances in the seventies. Consumed by obsessions, fears, lusts and melancholy, outstanding yet mean, they both prepare diagnosis of culture and society, in which they live. And die. Borczuch joins the debate, posing questions about how we follow either Pasolini or Fallaci in defining our European identity. 

Media patrons:

Co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.



  • Director: Michał Borczuch 
  • Text and dramaturgy: Tomasz Śpiewak 
  • Lighting design: Katarzyna Łuszczyk
  • Scenography, costumes: Dorota Nawrot
  • Music: Bartosz Dziadosz „Pleq” 


  • Bartosz Gelner
  • Marek Kalita
  • Sebastian Łach
  • Marta Ojrzyńska
  • Piotr Polak / Jan Sobolewski
  • Jacek Poniedziałek
  • Halina Rasiakówna
  • Krzysztof Zarzecki

The play includes excerpts of the last interview with Pasolini, written by Furio Colombo and Gian Carlo Ferreti, published by Avagliano Editore.
Copyright © by Avagliano Editore



March 14

The Apocalypse

Michał Borczuch
Theater / Age 16+

March 15

The Apocalypse

Michał Borczuch
Theater / Age 16+
English subtitles

March 16

The Apocalypse

Michał Borczuch
Theater / Age 16+

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