New Europe nternational Festival. Insights
New Europe. Insights - Programme pdf
In the dispute over whether the map is more important than the territory itself, we aren't taking sides — and yet, we believe that in order to create maps we must first learn all we can about the territories they cover. Which is far from easy. It is ever harder to access the most radical theatrical offerings in Poland today, those defining the most recent intellectual discourses. Which is why the Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre and the City of Warsaw, as of May 2020, are inviting audiences for a series we have entitled International Festival New Europe — Insights. The seven shows being staged this year are a varied selection of insights into memory, tradition, suffering, work, morality, corporeality, taboos and shame — perspectives which question accepted relational dynamics. Come and see for yourselves — what is it we are actually seeing? What is it that we perceive, and what is being shown to us?
Festival programme:
September 18–19 2020 3 Episodes of Life and Bergman in Uganda direction
Markus Öhrn
September 25–27 2020 Premiere of Grupa warszawska reżyseria Eglė Švedkauskaitė
October 4 2020 Imaginary Europe direction Oliver Frljić
October 7–11 2020 Guilty Landscapes direction Dries Verhoeven
November 6–7 2020 Farm Fatale direction Philippe Quesne
November 10, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 21, 22 2020 Family reżyseria Markus Öhrn
December 4–5 2020 Premiere of Polish Edition I Love You, Goodbye Gob Squad
Tickets: 50/35 PLN
Tickets for Guilty Landscapes: 10 PLN
Past events
50 grades of shame
22.05–23.05.202150 grades of shame
The Three Sisters
Theater / On-line
VOD24.04–25.04.2021The Three Sisters
Crash Park. Life of an Island
Theater / On-line
VOD20.03–21.03.2021Crash Park. Life of an Island
Creation (Pictures for Dorian)
Theater / On-line
VOD20.02–21.02.2021Creation (Pictures for Dorian)
Giulio Cesare. Spared parts
Theater / On-line
24.01.2021Giulio Cesare. Spared parts
Featuring: Sound/ Zorka Wollny
Music / Exhibitions
30.11.2020–05.09.2021Featuring: Sound/ Zorka Wollny
Farm Fatale
06.11–07.11.2020Farm Fatale
Featuring: Sound/ Przemysław Branas
Music / Exhibitions
02.11–08.11.2020Featuring: Sound/ Przemysław Branas
Featuring: Sound/ Kem and Jaś Rabiej
Music / Exhibitions
13.10–19.10.2020Featuring: Sound/ Kem and Jaś Rabiej
Guilty Landscapes
Film / Theater
07.10–11.10.2020Guilty Landscapes
Imaginary Europe
04.10.2020Imaginary Europe
Featuring: Sound/ Gregor Różański
Music / Exhibitions
28.09–04.10.2020Featuring: Sound/ Gregor Różański
3 Episodes of life
18.09–19.09.20203 Episodes of life
Bergman in Uganda
18.09–19.09.2020Bergman in Uganda
Featuring: Sound, Justyna Banaszczyk/FOQL
Music / Exhibitions
14.09–19.09.2020Featuring: Sound, Justyna Banaszczyk/FOQL
Other cycles
5th New Europe International Festival: Louder!
5th New Europe International Festival: Louder!
4th New Europe International Festival: Love
4th New Europe International Festival: Love
New Book for Children
New Book for Children
The New Book
The New Book