Open call | Residency Program - Teatre Lliure & Nowy Teatr
Open call | Residency Program - Teatre Lliure & Nowy Teatr
Residency Program - Teatre Lliure & Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre
We are looking for a research project in tangential fields of the performing arts that could be fuelled by the interaction between Poland and Catalonia, Spain. This year Teatre Lliure, in Barcelona, is collaborating with Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre, a cultural institution directed by Krzysztof Warlikowski.
The call is open to artists linked in some way to the performing arts. Their main activity does not need to be artistic, it can come from fields such as cultural management, creative documentary, philosophy, writing, media arts, journalism, visual arts, digital communication, social action... Applicants should speak fluent english to be able to communicate with co-resident from Catalonia.
Ideally the project should propose cultural, academic, and social aspects that allow activities to be generated in these three areas, in relation to the work being carried out.
The Teatre Lliure de Barcelona and Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre will choose two people from the requested profiles: one in Catalonia and the other in Poland, who should be able to collaborate successfully. Each artist will host the other in their respective countries, in a process of discovering the environment and the social and cultural context.
The residency will take place during two months: between March and April 2022. March 2022 being the month the residency takes place in Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre and April 2022 the month it takes place in Teatre Llliure in Barcelona. Applying to this call implies full availability during the two dates of the residency. *
During the artist's stay at the country of destination, the local artist must also be available to accompany him or her in his or her creative process. During the residency, each project may be developed individually or in collaboration with the other, according to the synergies created between the two creators.
Experimentation work will be done, a completed finished result is not necessary.
After the two shifts, at the end of April 2022, the residency will be opened to the public, in order to show the work done by both artists up to that time.
Teatre Lliure will pay the finally selected Catalan and Polish artists TWO THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED EURO (2,500.00 Euro) net, plus any withholding tax if applicable. The finally selected artist, before receiving any payment, must forward the following documents:
- Certificate of tax number and tax residency
- Certificate of being up to date with the correspondent local tax authorities
The two entities will provide the selected artists with a workspace in their respective headquarters.
Teatre Lliure will bear the cost of the transfers of the two selected people between the two countries. As for the Polish artist, a one-way flight from Warsaw to Barcelona and a return flight from Barcelona to Warsaw.
Teatre Lliure will also be responsible for the stay of the Polish artist in Barcelona for a period of 4 weeks.
Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre, will cover the accommodation of the Catalan artist in Poland during the indicated period.
Applicants must send an email with the project in a PDF format (max. 5 pages) and their resume with contact details (both in english) to
All the applications should be in english.
The application period is open from the 1 of March to the 18th of April 2021, both dates included.
Teatre Lliure and Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre will evaluate the proposals presented and select the best candidates for this program. The final verdict will be announced to all participants for this call no later than the first week of June 2021. The result will be announced publicly during the presentation of the first semester of Teatre Lliure’ s 2021/22 Season in June 2021.
Teatre Lliure and Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre will communicate the work process. The participants commit themselves to collaborate throughout the project promotion campaign and to be present at any event, colloquium, press conference, interview, etc. that Teatre Lliure and Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre consider necessary, prior agreement on dates and dedication, and without additional compensation.
Participation in this call implies acceptance of the rules and decision of the Teatre Lliure and the Nowy Teatr International Cultural Centre.
Teatre Lliure reserves the right to declare this call void.

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